Industrial and environmental safety
Industrial and environmental safety
- Continuous improvement of the management system, including industrial and environmental safety issues;
- Application of the principle of reasonable caution in the implementation of projects;
- Minimizing the impact on the environment;
- Rational use of natural resources;
- Use of innovative technologies;
- Application of environmentally friendly technologies.
Interaction with stakeholders
Interaction with stakeholders
- Creating an effective and transparent system of interaction with stakeholders;
- Respect for the rights and interests of all groups of stakeholders;
- Development of a dialogue with stakeholders, partnership relations;
- Accessibility and transparency of information;
- Keeping track of stakeholder feedback and surveys.
Responsibility to employees
Responsibility to employees
- Creation of decent working conditions;
- Equality and prevention of human rights abuses;
- Maintaining a competitive level of wages;
- Support for personal and professional development of employees;
- Social support of employees;
- Provision of safe working conditions and occupational safety.